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Survivor: Masha Loen

Editors Note: What an amazing story! I am glad this woman made it through!

Survivor: Masha Loen (via Jewish Journal)

July 5, 2012 By Jane Ulman As Masha Sapoznikow returned to the Kovno ghetto just past noon on March 27, 1944, she sensed an eerie quiet. German and Lithuanian soldiers, armed with machine guns, were uncharacteristically posted at the gate. Masha, looking older than her 13 years, was coming back, along… Read more

Lax Gun Ownership Laws Could Impact Ability Of High-Risk Individuals To Purchase Firearms

Lax Gun Ownership Laws Could Impact Ability Of High-Risk Individuals To Purchase Firearms (via redOrbit)

Sixty percent of persons incarcerated for gun crimes in the thirteen U.S. states with the most lax standards for legal firearm ownership were not legally prohibited from possessing firearms when they committed the crime that led to their incarceration. According to the study by researchers at the Johns… Read more